Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pentagon Intel Ops

Comment: Some great links inside the article discussing "Operational Preparation of the Environment." This will make the Oversight guys nervous. I find it kind of reassuring.

Pentagon Intel Ops “Often” Evade Oversight

From the Project on Government Secrecy:

Excerpt: Last month, the House Intelligence Committee complained that the Department of Defense has blurred the distinction between traditional intelligence collection, which is subject to intelligence committee oversight, and clandestine military operations, which are not. Because they are labeled in a misleading manner, some DoD clandestine operations that are substantively the same as intelligence activities are evading the congressional oversight they are supposed to receive.Sphere: Related Content

1 comment:

  1. It's kinda hard to take a stand on this issue. I think transparency is a good thing, but at the same time, if they disclose the information to the idiots in congress there is a good chance that it will be leaked out to the press. You know the old adage "loose lips sink ships".
