Sunday, December 5, 2010

Comment re: WikiLeaks

I've deliberately ignored it until now, but after a couple of emails from readers . . .
Here's my assessment of the impact of the latest WikiLeaks release: So what?
Is there anything major that you didn't really already "know" or suspect? The only persons surprised by anything Mr. Assange pumped out into the Internet are naive or uninformed generally. Embarrassing? Awkward? Sure.
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  1. I beg to differ. While I agree with you on the quality of the info that has been divulged as such, I think there is another dimension to this: Putting the lives of informers at risk. These sources mentioned in cables of non-allied countries can be easily indentifiable in some cases.
    And another question: What is the point of yesterday's release of the US vital facilities, I ask you? NV

  2. Thanks NV! I appreciate your comments.
    The leaks expose a systemic weakness in classified reporting and message handling -- agreed. That should make any cooperating source worried. Without stating too much: the really interesting stuff/people are reported/handled quite differently.
